
FLOURISH faith styles



Inspireds are vivid and simple at the same time, purely receiving ideas, feelings, or opinions coming towards them as energy.

  • You seek to be truly fully human.
  • You connect to God in the ordinary.
  • Your life is a culmination of growth in grace.
  • Inspirers create by living.
  • You create reality through story.


Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.

— Brené Brown


You seek to be truly fully human.

Inspirers have a special grace that makes them seem more lucid, more simple, and yet somehow more fully human than the rest of us. They have the ability to receive ideas, feelings, or opinions about something or someone, often formed without mindful thought or on the basis of little evidence. They experience these impressions coming towards them as energy. They are not concerned about the source. They purely receive it. This awakens their innerscape’s images, dreams and visions.

You connect to God in the ordinary.

Inspirers experience faith as a connection between themselves and life. Both words and actions play a major role in Inspirers’s budding ideas about God. They connect with God through a wide range of actions. Routine daily activities can be experienced as deeply spiritual and some religious actions as dull.

Your life is a culmination of growth in grace.

Oneness and unity describe their outlook on life. They live coherently and in unity. Grace is a way of interacting with others, the world and life. They ‘gift’ grace freely without wanting something in return. Life is not a transaction. Nobody owes them anything. They let go of entitlements. They are somehow more fully human than the rest of us.

Inspirers create by living.

They see their whole life as a canvas on which they are flourishing. Inspirers do not only copy ‘old paintings’; they create new expressions of faith. They are not only ‘painting inside the lines’ but exploring new frontiers. Fellow travellers in faith can help Inspirers find their unique ‘voice’.

You create reality through story.

Inspirers have a fascination with private worlds of fantasy and wonder. Story, drama and myth help give good sense to experience. Telling their “story” helps discover a sense of self and place in the world. Inspirers's image of God defies words or images. Their life and faith centre on an awareness of God's transforming presence. They have a growing appreciation for symbols, metaphors and myth.

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