
FLOURISH faith styles



Curators sift through the assumptions in faith communities. They collect those values, beliefs, notions and thoughts that are helpful in finding meaning, and then keep them safe.

  • You are a keeper of what is rational in the faith community.
  • You use logic to work out what to do next.
  • You use analytical skills and do practical problem-solving.
  • You have a library of ideas to navigate life.


If you can see it, you can achieve it. God helps those who help themselves. Power is in the act of humility.

— Patricia Amis


You are a keeper of what is rational in the faith community.

Curators grow by making up their own minds. They are keepers or custodians of what is proper and rational in the faith community. Apart from questioning the current assumptions in faith communities, they also question the authority structures. They have a growing need to make up their own mind.

You use logic to work out what to do next.

Curators look after what they believe and how they live. They know their logical thinking will help them work out what to do next. The principles they have developed over the years guide them.

You use analytical skills and do practical problem-solving.

Curators are able to apply their own analytical and practical problem-solving skills to find meaning in their world.

You have a library of ideas to navigate life.

Curators build their own library of ideas, beliefs, notions and thoughts that help them to derive meaning from life and faith. They use common sense and personal experience to evaluate the usefulness of new ideas. They keep those that help them, and discard the rest.

You enjoy life-focused learning events.

Curators gather information to help them connect what they believe and their values to everyday life. They find guidelines on flourishing that are embedded in principles and theory helpful.

Find out your faith style!

Nurture and explore your faith. Make sense of how you believe, who you are and why you do things the way you do.

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