
NURTURE faith styles



Friends work closely with other people, following the guidelines of their communities’ customs and habits. They feel closely connected to others in their group and care deeply about the group to which they belong.

  • You are good at working closely with others.
  • You care deeply about the group’s success.
  • You acknowledge the sacred power in the rituals of your group.
  • You are interested in the basic practices of faith.


Some Christians try to go to heaven alone, in solitude. But believers are not compared to bears or lions or other animals that wander alone. Those who belong to Christ are sheep in this respect, that they love to get together. Sheep go in flocks, and so do God's people.

— Charles Spurgeon


You are good at working closely with others.

Friends ‘play’ and work well as members of a team. They strive to be exceptionally good at working closely with other people. They follow the examples of the leader(s) of their community. They select leaders who will pull them in and inspire them with their charm, forceful personality and strength of character. They know their communities’ customs and habits are based on trustworthy religious truths.

You care deeply about the group’s success.

Friends care deeply about helping their group succeed, often even more than about their own success.

You acknowledge the sacred power in the rituals of your group.

The symbols, rituals and language of the community to which Friends belong, and the community itself, have an almost sacred power. Earlier they had an intense desire and need to know how things really were. They searched for friends and groups who share their interests and values. When Friends are critical about what people around them believe, they are careful not to voice their criticism. They are unsure of how people would react. They are somewhat afraid their friends would push them out of the group.

You are interested in the basic practices of faith.

They want to know what they need to do, no more and no less. Their faith is firmly rooted in the primary disciplines of faith. They do well as part of a faith community with clear expectations and rituals. These rituals should be clearly outlined, without too much room for misunderstanding. They accept official hymnals and traditional liturgies. They often ask their leader what is normal and regular in their faith tradition and practice, and then they make that part of their lives.

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