
CARE faith styles



Although Dreamers are subject to limitations, like all people, they empty themselves and live as though the new future of God is already a reality.

  • You are a person with limitations trying to empty yourself.
  • You seek unprotected exposure and experiences
  • For you imagination makes all things possible.
  • Beauty outside is a symbol of the inside you.


A Christian community should do as Jesus did: propose and not impose. Its attraction must lie in the radiance cast by the love of brothers.

— Jean Vanier


You are a person with limitations trying to empty yourself.

Others experience Dreamers as ‘finite (subject to limitations) people with blind spots, inconsistencies, and distorted capacities for relatedness to others. At the same time they are experienced as people who make visible the fruits of a powerful kind of emptying of self. They live in quiet (or public ways) as though the new future of God is already a realised fact among us.

You seek unprotected exposure and experiences.

Dreamers seek unprotected exposure to their innermost self. They are marked by fluidity of thought patterns. Life, love and faith is something to be experienced with your whole being. They are not afraid to ‘go deep’. They don’t shy away from experiences that others would find unsettling.

For you imagination makes all things possible.

Their ideas about the world are not "logical" in the traditional sense of logic. They have a vivid imagination - for them, anything is possible. Dreamers cherish life but also do not hold on to life too tightly. Their authority rests in themselves and has no trace of egotistic striving.

Beauty outside is a symbol of the inside you.

Beauty outside them reminds them of the beauty inside. All the beauty and splendour they see around them reminds them ‘beauty is really inside you.’ The beauty outside is only necessary to discover they don't need it.

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