

Discover your FaithStyles!

Your Group Name group leader has invited you to take the FaithStyle test. Once you've completed the questionnaire, you'll receive a free FaithStyle report. Your group leader will be able to view everyone in the group's results.

Instructions: You will be presented with 12 sets of statements. In each set, you need to choose the 2-4 statements that ring most true for you, even if they aren't 100% perfect. Ready?

Start questionnaire

It takes about 10 minutes.

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Please choose 2-4 statements that ring most true for you:

Ready to submit?

Please make sure you have answered all the questions.

Can you help us with our (fully anonymous) research?

Submit and get report

FaithStyle, a Bible Media product

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